
Friday, July 16, 2010


Taking the Word of God in hip hop rhymes to World is the mission of 25 year old Aggrey Kaka Meshack better known as Bantu. The award winning gospel rapper is still on a mission incomplete; to see many youths turn to Christ.

Who exactly is Bantu?
Bantu is a young, focused,, talented and gifted gospel artist who is totally inspired by the great I AM.

How has your musical journey been?
It has been challenging indeed. Too many times we pray for ease, but that’s a prayer seldom met. W hat we need to do is pray for roots that reach deep into the eternal so when the rain falls and the wind blows, we wont be swept asunder, that’s what has been my stand which has seen me through.

What's your music style?
I do gospel hip-hop, but have also ventured in other genres of music as well. I have done a ‘bounce’ track and a zouk single.

Is it easy being a gospel artiste?
It is very challenging. One thing that keeps me going is knowledge that my calling is the most expensive thing in life. There is no calling without suffering and its not about what you can get, but what you live for.

’Kapungala’ has done so well in the gospel scene. Have you been tempted to change style in-order to make it on radio charts and may be dance floors?
Kapungala is a great style, but in this ministry its not all about getting in charts or taking people to the dance floors, but its simply a matter of inspiring others with the word of God which will change and transform their lives and heal there hurting souls.

Where do you do your music?
I am not based at any particular studio but I’ve recorded most of my songs in coast. ‘Ka Umeokoka’ and my yet to be released single titled ‘Sonko’ which I featured Juliani are some of the songs which I have recorded at Jeddan records. ‘ Bila wasi wasi’  is yet another un-released single which I have featured Danco and Daddy Owen which was produced at Dreamland recording stable produced by Dr. Eddie in Nairobi.

So far, how many albums?
My first album is ready and by God’s grace, the launch should be in December.

Do you ever battle with the devil?
Always...One weapon that God gave us against Satan is prayer and that has seen me out do him. But it all goes down with who your friends are. For wise is the person who fortifies his life with the right friends. If you run with wolves, you will learn how to howl. But if you associate with eagles, you will learn how to soar to great heights.

Before seeing the light, how was your past?
I was no different from the prodigal son. My life was a mess. I used to be a party animal and did all the things for the glory of the devil. I was a player and had many girlfriends, used to drink myself out and had no future. But thanks be to God who picked and washed me by the blood. God had a good plan for my life and He saved me. For a good man knows his past, understands his present and moves towards the future and that’s my principle. Today, my life is a message.

Where do you draw your inspiration?
JESUS....No one in this world can die for me...But Jesus did. He took all the pain, insults and shame for me. I am a Jesus freak.

Are you gifted or talented?
 I think I have double portion; A gift and a talent.

Some gospel artistes claim that when writing a song they were led by the holy spirit. Ever had such an experience?
Yes indeed. You don’t just wake up one morning and just write anything that comes out of your brains. Gospel ministry is a total opposite to the secular industry. Secular industry is all about showbiz, Gospel is pure ministry. Hence we totally depend on the Holy Spirit to guide us write lyrics which will challenge and change someone’s life through God who strengthens us.

 In gospel industry, there are two genres; praise and worship. Where do you fall and why?
Both. Apart from praise, I have also done worship songs with the likes of Kristine Ndela.

How effective has your ministry been?
Very effective I must say. I have almost gone all around the country ministering to massive crowds through my music and has seen thousands of people receiving Christ as there personal savior. I have also ventured in the prison ministry and to be specific Shimo la Tewa prison which I visit after every four months to give Hope to the prisoners and lead them to Jesus. I also do school to school ministry which have seen thousands of students giving there life’s to Christ. I have also taken an initiative and started an entertainment company known as Gospel Rave which will be organizing gospel events and see coast rise to another level ministry wise, since there is not much happening and we have been forced to wait for our Nairobi friends to organize events for us...i believe we can do it...yes we can.

Has showbiz ever affected your music career?
Not really. It has never been showbiz to me...Its pure ministry. It all depends on some ones calling. I was called to win souls not showbiz.

Do you practice your faith?
The ministry I do says it all.

What is your stand on the draft constitution?
Personally, I’m not supporting it thus will vote ‘No’. The rest of the constitution is nice except the abortion clauses which I find totally unacceptable.

How do you escape that kind of public intrusion into your life?
One thing people should know is I am not a celebrity but a minister of God. And the reason I like the intrusion is that it gives me a chance to minister to people. When a person stops me for whatever reasons, I take that as an opportunity to give them the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ and thus win souls in the kingdom of God...Cause that the main aim we are called for.

Are there any specific goals you have that keep you motivated?
To see the Gospel reach in every corner of the world. That has been my cry. That every one should know who the messiah is and that he Died for us to give us an eternal life. My main goal is to see a saved God fearing nation and continent.....That’s what keeps me motivated and I wont stop.

With holiness as a requisite in the faith based ministry, are you still having fun?
 It depends on your definition of fun. My greatest joy in this world is winning souls to the kingdom of GOD. That the greatest fun I have ever wished for and i enjoy it every second of my life.

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