
Thursday, July 29, 2010


Beef and fights seem to have no end in Uganda's showbiz. The latest news that have landed on showbizxklusivs desk indicate that Pearl's lead singer Jose Chameleone beat up dance hall artiste Vamposs yesterday. The reason being Vamposs refused to worship Chameleone, a thing that never went well with the Leon Island point-man ending in a showdown.  The details about the fight have been scanty but the war is likely to continue as Swangz Avenue artistes have promised to revenge against the Leon Island boss. Vamposs brother Maurice Kirya was shocked at what Chameleone did to his brother. 'I was blind but now i see, with blows to his face, he wondered why he was attacked,and the answer was,because he did not worship the Dr. Joseph chameleon! i hope my brother vamposs recovers from the injuries and dis figured face, i love his music, but chameleon has attacked many, and is protected by all of us. We have ...all failed to lead as a good example to the coming generation! said Maurice Kirya. And the war could get uglier if the Swangz avenue keep their word to revenge.  ''You shall fight the whole swangz and friends, beat everyone you find, but trust me Vampino was the last, he's the wakeup call. You pressed the wrong button, played a bad card. We got you another title coming.The man u beat is like the swangz ambasoder. he too got a commandin that follow him, now we are all out,' said Viboyo when he called on us.

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