
Monday, August 30, 2010


When we said he’s perhaps the only artists in Uganda to be so tight with the President, many didn’t believe us. Moses Saali alias Bebe Cool is the first artist to get a warm visit from the big man a few months back after getting shot by a  trigger-happy security officer at Effendy’s bar and club. The president even went ahead and promised to meet the damages the singer went through during his absence from the music scene.
A few debates were carried out whether the Bogolako singer would be paid or it was just media hype but to everyone’s astonishment, state house released info that Bebe is to be given 180million shs as compensation for the damages he endured at the beginning of this year.
The money will also be part of Bebe’s further treatment in the USA until he gets back on his two feet. He’s slated to travel a few weeks from now with his wife Zuena and two kids Alpha and Beata.
However, the question on everyone’s mind is? Did the Government make the right decision of meeting Bebe’s costs? Because he sued the government a few months back for “damages” yet he has been performing in several places like his “Denmark tour” last month, “Return of the king concert” and not forgetting more places he has been advertised on!

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