
Monday, September 5, 2011


Jose Chameleone’s Mukisa Gwo album launch on Friday was more than launching songs; the controversial singer also launched attacks on the two leading dailies. Chameleone was not happy that Daily Monitor did not give him prominent pre-event coverage for his concert.
The singer took time off and mentioned names of scribes whom he thought had ignored giving his concert pre-event coverage to his fans who welcomed his tantrums with wild cheers. The singer bragged that by not writing about his concert, the media houses were retarding the Ugandan music industry. “I’ve done everything, I’m no longer looking for fame.
I don’t doubt my fan base, these people are not here because of stories, they are here because of the love they have for Chameleone. If you think you can destroy me, be rest assured, even if an elephant died of HIV/Aids, it could never have shrinked to the size of a dog!” A fan near the photographers in the VIP section screamed out a question; “How come you never tell us when they write good about you?” That’s a question only Chameleone can answer.
Besides the attack on the media, Chameleone reminded the crowd about his efforts towards getting Ugandans to appreciate Ugandan music. Back to the show, Chameleone performed for about two hours, mainly focusing on his 2010 and 2011 songs, like Owakabi, Movie Star with AK 47, plus duets with Papa Cidy, Jackie and Eritrean Sammy. After performing Mukisa Gwo the album title track, most revellers stood up to leave, but Chameleone announced, “If you came for the launch, it just ended, but if you came for music, I’m now starting to sing.”
The singer observed a moment of silence for departed comedian Jimmy Musisi who died earlier last week, before he resumed his performances, this time round taking the crowd back in time with songs ranging from his breakthrough hit Beyi Kali before he was joined by his mother on stage as he sang Maama Wange.
Before Chameleone got on stage, Ronald Mayinja, AK47, Skeleton, Raga Dee, Eddie Kenzo, Catherine Kusasira and Big Eye entertained the revelers with exhilarating performances. The show ended a few minutes after midnight and many revelers went home wondering why Chameleone had to attack the media that has helped sell him and the entire industry to them-his fan base.

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