
Thursday, July 29, 2010


Beef and fights seem to have no end in Uganda's showbiz. The latest news that have landed on showbizxklusivs desk indicate that Pearl's lead singer Jose Chameleone beat up dance hall artiste Vamposs yesterday. The reason being Vamposs refused to worship Chameleone, a thing that never went well with the Leon Island point-man ending in a showdown.  The details about the fight have been scanty but the war is likely to continue as Swangz Avenue artistes have promised to revenge against the Leon Island boss. Vamposs brother Maurice Kirya was shocked at what Chameleone did to his brother. 'I was blind but now i see, with blows to his face, he wondered why he was attacked,and the answer was,because he did not worship the Dr. Joseph chameleon! i hope my brother vamposs recovers from the injuries and dis figured face, i love his music, but chameleon has attacked many, and is protected by all of us. We have ...all failed to lead as a good example to the coming generation! said Maurice Kirya. And the war could get uglier if the Swangz avenue keep their word to revenge.  ''You shall fight the whole swangz and friends, beat everyone you find, but trust me Vampino was the last, he's the wakeup call. You pressed the wrong button, played a bad card. We got you another title coming.The man u beat is like the swangz ambasoder. he too got a commandin that follow him, now we are all out,' said Viboyo when he called on us.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


The king of Takeu has taken a Dar es salaam DJ to court for assaulting him. Lucas Mkenda aka Mr. Nice  sued DJ Victor for beating him and causing him bodily harm early this month in a Dar es salaam night club.  Mr. Nice according to police, was beaten and bled profusely inside Masai Club in Kinondoni on July 9th this year after he asked accused the DJ as one of his band's detractors. The two ,police said have had a long standing feud and they were still doing investigations. 'It's a deep issue and the officers are following it to the root,'said the investigating officers.  According to Mr. Nice, DJ Victor hit him with a bottle for telling him off the truth. 'He hit my head and I lost consciousness,'recalled Mr. Nice when asked. The case was reported at Oysterbay police. Now, the musician wants the DJ charged in a court of law. Showbizxklusivs is following the matter. keep it locked for the update.


He might be Dar es salaam's self confessed best producer but Hermy B needs to put his acts together. Shwobizxklusivs has learnt that Burundi's boda boda band lead vocal list Kidum doesnt compromise quality and would do anything to ensure his music stands out.  Kidum and Hermy B have been embroiled in a secret warfare of words over the production of the single 'Nitafanya' in which he features Bongo's first lady Jay Dee. 'I wasnt impressed by the finished works of Hermy B. It wasnt upto standards...or atleast up to my standards. That is why i had to switch and do it with RKay,'he told Clouds FM.  Kidum's new song Nitafanyawhich features Lady Jaydee is doing well on the charts. Hermy B had recorded the original version which many people said it was below industry standards. 


Troubles might be his other name. The king of bling was taken to court last week on Thursday. Prezzo appeared before a Kibera court judges on several charges. Showbizxklusivs did not see the charge sheet of the president but our source at Kibera told us that showbiz president was all relaxed as the judge read out the charges. 'He was so composed but he managed to pay the bond. I cannot tell you the charges,'he said. Keep it showbizxklusivs as we unravel the story.


Just a month after,spotting and signing Nyota Ndogo's lil siter, SQ records chief Steve Otieno is a worried man. She is not aware where Ta2 is. 'I'm in total dillema. I cant reach Ta2 coz she doesnt own a phone. I've tried calling Nyota but she never picked up my phone. I think she doesnt have my number but I'm optimistic she will,'was all Steve told Showbizxklusivs. Ta2,released her first single last week and the record chief had arranged her video shoot this week. Sources told us that Ta2 was taking care of Nyota's house in Voi. 'She went to take care of Nyota's new house. She's in Voi,'added the source. SQ records is the most sought after recording studio at the moment.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Single ‘Ayokya Yokya’ singer Cinderella Sanyu has finally let out one of her best kept secrets. That she has hots for Navio. This shocking detail was revealed by the former BLU3 songbird last Saturday during the Exposed Live Show hosted by MC Kats and aired on NTV. It all started when host Kats asked her, “Keeping all factors constant, which Ugandan Artiste would you date?” Cindy first blushed before replying, “Did you ask that coz I just broke up with my boyfriend or…”Then she went on to add with a wide smile cutting across with her saucy lips, “I would date Navio anytime coz I think he’s a hot dude.” Remember Cindy recently broke up with Mario Brunette, a fella that had docked at her station for the last three years.


Top Band pointman T.I.D cannot leave his squeeze far off and has been spotted with his better half showing whoever cares that he surely meant business when he engaged the beauty. The gal kinana has been put on check by his woon to wed hubby T.I.D. The two were a center of attraction at the All White party gig in Dar es salaam where they were all dressed in sparkling white with sparkling engagement rings....we dont know when the wedding will take place....

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Gospel musician Juliani has recalled his manager, Jean Marc, whom he had earlier fired alongside DJ Viq, his former official tour organizer several weeks ago.  The rapper had fired his performance DJ and stage manager, DJ Viq, who is also a former Mr Kenya title holder.  His publicity manager, Jean Marc, was  handling local publicity for former child soldier and sudanese artiste Emmanuel Jal, now based in London. Juliani also acquired a fuel guzzler; a BMW X5 series.


Celebs are not good with time management. And that's why many keep missing flights. Nyota Ndogo is the latest victim. The pregnant diva left the country for a concert in Zanzibar. She was due to return today but looks like she overslept and missed her flight back home. 'I went to the airport late and missed the flight. I will be back home tomorrow,'she told showbizxklusivs.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Following twin bomb blasts at Kyadondo rugby club and Ethiopian village in Kansaga that claimed over 80 lives in Kampala last Sunday, several concerts have been cancelled as more threats still come in. The Ragga Dee-Megga Dee battle was slated to take place on the 16th of this month, then Kenzo’s launch due on the 23rd, D’Banj and 2Face visit to Uganda courtesy of Talent 256 on the 30th, and Desire next month.
All the above mentioned concerts have been postponed till the country becomes safe ounce again.
According to security enforcers in the pearl, hang outs and gathering places which are the main targets have to be closed by at least 10pm to prevent those responsible for last week’s attacks get the opportunity of repeating the same callous act.
“Ugandans have to be vigilant as the current situation is threatening. For security purposes, most of the concerts have been cancelled until the situation is back to normal.” Kayihura said.
Ragga Dee has pushed his concert on the 3rd, 4th, and 5th of December so as to mourn with those who lost their beloved ones. The venues, curtain raisers, sponsors and charges still remain the same for his shows. 
“On arrival at the airport from my European tour, I was welcomed with the sad news about last Sunday’s blasts and immediately, I postponed my concert to December.” Ragga Dee said.


Looks like Lady Jay Dee is taking her music career a notch higher. Well ,many of her fans who've watched her play at the famous Zhong hua gardens in Dar es Salaam will be shocked to hear this. This Sunday  (18/07/2010) the singer will perform at a church in Dar es salaam. 'I will perform at the Officers mess oysterbay at the Day of singing at the Seventh Day church in Kinondoni. I will be there singing,'she wrote on her blog. This will be a totally different crowd and we wonder whether she'll be singing gospel..

Monday, July 19, 2010


Veteran politician and Peoples Progressive Party president Jaberi Bidandi Ssali, is worried about the safety of his son Bebe Cool.  Bidandi said that he wanted the Government to provide more security for the singer.
“When I look at things that have happened to my son since the start of the year, I cannot help but wonder what is really going on. I want the Government to provide meaningful and maximum security for my son,” demanded Bidandi. Bebe Cool was shot at in January at Efendy’s bar & resturant. Then he narrowly survived death when the car in which he was travelling with his wife, Zuena, overturned. Last month, Bebe Cool, who moves with crutches or in a wheel chair, was involved in a brawl in Sweden and last Sunday, he survived death by a whisker at Kyadondo Rugby Club, where two bombs went off during the World Cup final. It is probably against this background that Bidandi feels his son needs extra protection against this streak of bad luck.


This years Nzumari awards will be full of pomp and color so to say. According to the awards chief organizer Eve Adhiambo, the awards received a boost from leading East African brewer. Through their non alcoholic drink, Alvaro, Kenya Breweries will be the official sponsors of the awards. 'I signed the deal last week and now it's officially  called ' Alvaro Nzumari awards'. It's just a one year deal,'she said. This is the third year that the awards will be running. Last year,the awards chief was embroiled in a battle of words with artistes as she could not give the Kshs. 5000 as prize money to award winners.


The allure of big money looks irresistible to many and especially to celebrities who're serious about show business. King of the street deejaying Bunduki could not resist what he called a golden offer at a Mombasa club. Bunduki who until end of June was resident DJ at Club Lambada has left the club. The celebrated decks man was apparently poached by neighboring beach club to be DJ cum events manager. Sources say the deal was too good and he went ahead to celebrate his move with a toss of champagne.

Friday, July 16, 2010


Rapper Noorah  a.k.a baba styles  who ruled airwaves several years ago with his cross over hit 'ice is back in the music scene after taking a study break. Noorah joins his fellow rappers AY and Mwana FA at Hermy B's B-hits studio where he has been signed. The rapper returned to do music after completing his diploma course in Information Technology at IFM college in Dar es salaam.


Hip-hop musician Chiwawa has joined celebrity fathers.His girlfriend delivered a bouncing baby boy that he immediately named Jabali. The baby was born last Sunday. The happy hip hop dad will even be naming his next album after his adorable baby boy. However,it will not be the usual diss track album many know him for but he says it will be music baked and bred well.However, all the dis tracks have been put in a mix tape called 'Beef and Toothpicks', already doing rounds in music stores and events.


Tatuu as her stage name goes,is on a mission;to oust her sister from the top position in Mombasa. Just a week after getting a recording deal with SQ records in Mombasa,the 19 year old first single is ready and will be released soon. The love song titled 'Machungu' is likely to make it to the charts. Showbizxklusivs heard the single that is likely to be the next big track in the region. Tatuu was signed two weeks ago by SQ records chief Steve Otieno. Tatuu is Nyota Ndogo's youngest sister.


Despite having a name synonymous with guns and bullets, Mombasa's top decks man DJ Bunduki's house was raided last week. The DJ who was not at home during the raid told Showbizxklusivs that he got his house windows broken into and valuable properties stolen. 'They took away my laptop, new VJ mixing machine and several other things. I had just shipped them in and I suspect someone very close to me did this,'he said. Meanwhile,DJ Bunduki has refused to be drawn in a war of words with VJ Define. This comes after VJ Define launched an online attack on him calling him names. 'I'm a business man and I dont deal with up and coming deejays. As his role model, I will teach him how to improve his game,'he said.


Taking the Word of God in hip hop rhymes to World is the mission of 25 year old Aggrey Kaka Meshack better known as Bantu. The award winning gospel rapper is still on a mission incomplete; to see many youths turn to Christ.

Who exactly is Bantu?
Bantu is a young, focused,, talented and gifted gospel artist who is totally inspired by the great I AM.

How has your musical journey been?
It has been challenging indeed. Too many times we pray for ease, but that’s a prayer seldom met. W hat we need to do is pray for roots that reach deep into the eternal so when the rain falls and the wind blows, we wont be swept asunder, that’s what has been my stand which has seen me through.

What's your music style?
I do gospel hip-hop, but have also ventured in other genres of music as well. I have done a ‘bounce’ track and a zouk single.

Is it easy being a gospel artiste?
It is very challenging. One thing that keeps me going is knowledge that my calling is the most expensive thing in life. There is no calling without suffering and its not about what you can get, but what you live for.

’Kapungala’ has done so well in the gospel scene. Have you been tempted to change style in-order to make it on radio charts and may be dance floors?
Kapungala is a great style, but in this ministry its not all about getting in charts or taking people to the dance floors, but its simply a matter of inspiring others with the word of God which will change and transform their lives and heal there hurting souls.

Where do you do your music?
I am not based at any particular studio but I’ve recorded most of my songs in coast. ‘Ka Umeokoka’ and my yet to be released single titled ‘Sonko’ which I featured Juliani are some of the songs which I have recorded at Jeddan records. ‘ Bila wasi wasi’  is yet another un-released single which I have featured Danco and Daddy Owen which was produced at Dreamland recording stable produced by Dr. Eddie in Nairobi.

So far, how many albums?
My first album is ready and by God’s grace, the launch should be in December.

Do you ever battle with the devil?
Always...One weapon that God gave us against Satan is prayer and that has seen me out do him. But it all goes down with who your friends are. For wise is the person who fortifies his life with the right friends. If you run with wolves, you will learn how to howl. But if you associate with eagles, you will learn how to soar to great heights.

Before seeing the light, how was your past?
I was no different from the prodigal son. My life was a mess. I used to be a party animal and did all the things for the glory of the devil. I was a player and had many girlfriends, used to drink myself out and had no future. But thanks be to God who picked and washed me by the blood. God had a good plan for my life and He saved me. For a good man knows his past, understands his present and moves towards the future and that’s my principle. Today, my life is a message.

Where do you draw your inspiration?
JESUS....No one in this world can die for me...But Jesus did. He took all the pain, insults and shame for me. I am a Jesus freak.

Are you gifted or talented?
 I think I have double portion; A gift and a talent.

Some gospel artistes claim that when writing a song they were led by the holy spirit. Ever had such an experience?
Yes indeed. You don’t just wake up one morning and just write anything that comes out of your brains. Gospel ministry is a total opposite to the secular industry. Secular industry is all about showbiz, Gospel is pure ministry. Hence we totally depend on the Holy Spirit to guide us write lyrics which will challenge and change someone’s life through God who strengthens us.

 In gospel industry, there are two genres; praise and worship. Where do you fall and why?
Both. Apart from praise, I have also done worship songs with the likes of Kristine Ndela.

How effective has your ministry been?
Very effective I must say. I have almost gone all around the country ministering to massive crowds through my music and has seen thousands of people receiving Christ as there personal savior. I have also ventured in the prison ministry and to be specific Shimo la Tewa prison which I visit after every four months to give Hope to the prisoners and lead them to Jesus. I also do school to school ministry which have seen thousands of students giving there life’s to Christ. I have also taken an initiative and started an entertainment company known as Gospel Rave which will be organizing gospel events and see coast rise to another level ministry wise, since there is not much happening and we have been forced to wait for our Nairobi friends to organize events for us...i believe we can do it...yes we can.

Has showbiz ever affected your music career?
Not really. It has never been showbiz to me...Its pure ministry. It all depends on some ones calling. I was called to win souls not showbiz.

Do you practice your faith?
The ministry I do says it all.

What is your stand on the draft constitution?
Personally, I’m not supporting it thus will vote ‘No’. The rest of the constitution is nice except the abortion clauses which I find totally unacceptable.

How do you escape that kind of public intrusion into your life?
One thing people should know is I am not a celebrity but a minister of God. And the reason I like the intrusion is that it gives me a chance to minister to people. When a person stops me for whatever reasons, I take that as an opportunity to give them the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ and thus win souls in the kingdom of God...Cause that the main aim we are called for.

Are there any specific goals you have that keep you motivated?
To see the Gospel reach in every corner of the world. That has been my cry. That every one should know who the messiah is and that he Died for us to give us an eternal life. My main goal is to see a saved God fearing nation and continent.....That’s what keeps me motivated and I wont stop.

With holiness as a requisite in the faith based ministry, are you still having fun?
 It depends on your definition of fun. My greatest joy in this world is winning souls to the kingdom of GOD. That the greatest fun I have ever wished for and i enjoy it every second of my life.


She is the pearl's hottest and sexiest singer and many men will agree that Desire Luzinda is alluring. Well, after breaking up with her husband software engineer Ken Ntaro last year and being linked to several Ugandan men, the singer has spoken about her relationship status on facebook. Recently,she edited it to 'looking for a relationship'.  However, she has always insisted in press interviews that she is single and not searching.
Well, it would now seem the 'Nkomyewo' singer wants the world to know the truth after all.


Tuesday, July 13, 2010


ESCOBA babake and his wifey.....and baby gal....keeping it real... Escoba is one of Mombasa's finest artistes.His wife was his dancer....


“I had finished performing during the half-time break and I was seated in the front row enjoying the game. I don’t normally watch my football matches seated in the front row. I always seat at the back. Everyone was happy then all of a sudden…boom!”“I was thrown off my seat. There was silence all over. Before I could recollect my thoughts to find out what exactly was going on, I heard another blast…boom! I immediately knew something was terribly wrong,” says Bebe Cool.
Bebe was the main attraction at Kyadondo Rugby Club where the finals of the 2010 World Cup were being held. It was a reasonable crowd. Before heading down to Kyadondo Rugby Club Bebe had also performed at the MTN World Cup party at Boda Boda restaurant.
“While still at Boda Boda, I received a call from Elvis Ssekyanzi telling me to come down to Kyadondo and perform on stage. My wife suggested that we stay at Boda Boda but Elvis being our friend I decided to drop by, perform and watch the remaining half of the game from there,” says Bebe Cool.
It’s that decision that nearly proved fatal. “I knew it was a bomb blast after the second one went off. I was lying on grass having been thrown off my seat by the fast blast. All around me was blood. I saw a man missing an arm. I was helpless and dazed on the grass with pain. I then felt people pulling me up on my feet. It was my wife and some other people I didn’t know. We were put in a car and left the scene,” says Bebe Cool.

Source Monitor Uganda

Monday, July 12, 2010


Most reality TV stars enjoy their proverbial ‘15 minutes of fame’ and bounce from the spotlight. There have been few exceptions worldwide who have managed to carve out careers from their reality TV exposure.
Big Brother Africa III’s Nigerian housemate, Uti Nwachukwu was popular during his time on the show. Since then, we’ve seen him on the red carpet of showbiz events but now we know what he’s really been up to!
Uti is kicking off his music career and has just released his debut single – “Go Down“. Its a naija-pop song with some reggae influenced moments. Check it out! Should Uti stick to music or snap back to reality?


Kenya's star striker Boniface Ambani is set to marry his Tanzanian actress fiance Flora Mvungi. The two have been engaged for a couple of years and the striker who once played for Yanga has already paid dowry. Boniface, who was Yanga's prolific goal scorer left Dar and was rumored to start a fresh season in China. Last season, he emerged as the top scorer with 24 goals in all tournaments, including 18 in the Premier League. After this impressive feat, his absence will be felt at Yanga and across the Tanzanian league.Flora was a Miss Vodacom Tanzania contestant in 2008.


Diamond ,who is arguably the new kid on the block in Bongo flava music scene is already falling in love. And the smooth singer is rumored to be dating Tanzanian actress Jackline Wolper(pictured above).Diamond is famed for his single 'Mbagala' that won him three Kili music awards this year.  The two who are yet to confirm their affair have been secretly dating. Our sharp eyed snoops revealed this to us.we'll keep you posted.


Tanzania's popular socialite Mange Kimambi Lorey loves cars and she surely got serious rides. Check out her Range Rover and Jaguar...all fuel guzzlers.


A Nigerian, Adebayo Ogunlesi, has acquired the London Gatwick Airport as the new owner. The Gatwick deal is a £1.455 billion agreement with BAA Airports Limited. Ogunlesi, 56, is the chairman and managing partner, Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP), an independent investment fund based in New York City with worldwide stake in infrastructure assets.
According to the report, Ogunlesi, the son of an 86-year old professor of medicine has presided over a great number of sweet deals that made him the envy of his peers abroad even if his forays into the brisk world multi-billion dollars deals are barely talked about in his home country.
GIP will be investing through Ivy Bidco Limited, a limited liability company registered in England, established for the purpose of making the acquisition.
Bidco will pay cash consideration of £1,455 million for the entire share capital of Gatwick Airport Limited on a cash-free, debt-free basis.
 Ogunlesi says the acquisition of Gatwick is a landmark deal for GIP and adds another quality asset to his firm's rapidly expanding portfolio.
He said, "we see significant scope to apply both our strong operational focus and our knowledge of the airports sector to make Gatwick an airport of choice."
 He began stacking up his big deals profile when he joined the top-shelf New York law firm, Cravath, Swain & Moore. It was at the law firm that he jumped at the chance to advise First Boston (which later acquired Credit Suisse in 1997 to form Credit Suisse First Boston or CSFB) on a hugely lucrative Nigerian gas project.
The success of that deal landed him his first big pay move to First Boston. For First Boston, he worked on project finance, brokering deals in which lenders finance assets like oil refineries and mines and are repaid with revenues generated by those enterprises.
Based in New York City and traveling to emerging markets, he built CSFB's project-finance business into the world's best, in part by encouraging corporations and governments to tap public debt markets in addition to commercial lenders.
His teacher while at King's College, Lagos, J. Namme, said that Bayo, as he is fondly called, loves getting things done. Perhaps, the London Gatwick Airport acquisition best underscores his desire to get things done and in the big way too. The Gatwick deal illustrates his global influence in infrastructure assets deals.  Ogunlesi has lived in New York for 20 years and is active in volunteer work. But he also cultivates his ties to Africa. He informally advises the Nigerian government on privatisation. And last summer Manute Bol, former NBA center, visited Ogunlesi in his Park Avenue office, seeking donations for a charitable foundation in former basketball star Manute Bol's homeland, Sudan.Ogunlesi walked Bol around the hallways, introducing him to junior staff. It was just another day in the Bayosphere. Prior to his current role, he was executive vice chairman and chief client officer of Credit Suisse, based in New York. He previously served as a member of Credit Suisse's Executive Board and Management Council and chaired the Chairman's Board. Previously, he was the Global Head of Investment Banking at Credit Suisse. Since joining Credit Suisse in 1983, Ogunlesi has advised clients on strategic transactions and financings in a broad range of industries and has worked on transactions in North and South America, the Caribbean, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia.Ogunlesi attended the prestigious King's College, Lagos. He is a member of the District of Columbia Bar Association. He was a lecturer at Harvard Law School and the Yale School.Ogunlesi, whose father was the first Nigerian-born medical professor, studied philosophy, politics and economics at Oxford and then earned law and business degrees from Harvard. In the US, he is known as the Nigerian who clerked for late Supreme Court justice, Thurgood Marshall, who they say was unable to pronounce his name and quickly dubbed him Obeedoogee. Colleagues and friends call him Bayo. This is real swagg.....

Friday, July 9, 2010


The Nigerian beauty industry keeps developing at an impressive rate. The latest entrant into the Nigerian cosmetic market is MUD Cosmetics and they have chosen superstar Nollywood actress, Genevieve Nnaji as the face of the brand in Nigeria. Make-Up Designory (MUD) is an international make-up company that has been creating genuine make-up products and providing quality education for over the past decade. In the international community, MUD has been the expert choice of make-up professionals, as its renowned make-up schools have produced renowned make-up artists on a global scale. With a huge focus on true quality make-up, MUD promises long lasting wearability, flawless application, and radiantly accurate color.  A MUD woman represents beauty, grace, elegance, as well as glamour. Genevieve epitomizes all of the above, as her glamour and yet understated style has such enduring appeal to women of all generations. Genevieve plays more than a role as the Face of MUD. She is part of the MUD family, and will be involved in every aspect of bringing MUD products into the make-up purses of every Nigerian woman”.


Bongo flava rapper AY is into things. The rapper,one of the most sought after by corporates and event organizers is putting is monies to good use. Well, other than his entertainment company,AY has branched into clothing business. His clothing shop is well stocked with both men and women clads. It is located at Sinza shop Stand. Bongo singer Ray C is another one doing clothing business.


The Pearl of Africa will again be choice for yet another big event. Just a month after hosting the CNN Journalist of the year awards in Kampala,another top notch event could make it's way in the land of bananas. Showbizxklusivs has learnt that Uganda is secretly preparing for the third edition of MTV Africa Music Awards (MAMAs).It is still not clear whether the pan African music channel will change it's mind but Ugandans are keeping their fingers crossed.


After they stole the whole show in the World Cup deal,beating KBC and Kiss TV, now Citizen have a reason to cry. They have lost a big deal to air a reality show. And NTV is the new broadcasting station that will air this year's Tusker Project Fame reality show. Sources revealed to us tha the Nation Media Group owned TV station has been considered by the brewers to air the show.  NTV broadcasted the first TPF show, before Citizen TV took over in TPF 2, since NTV chose Zain University Challenge over TPF.


She's the most popular Tanzanian Supermodel after Millen Magese. Miriam Odemba who is  headed the family way is few months away from her delivery date. The former Miss Earth Air 2008 and Miss Earth Tanzania is said to be three months away from the maternity ward. Miriam who is engaged to his French fiancee Laurent Piedmonte has been telling her friends that soon she will be a mother. ''She's heavy with a child. And the good news sis she is engaged to her fiancee Laurent,''added the source. Odemba hooked up with Laurent Piedimonte late last year and things have been moving pretty fast. The two have been having great times and the supermodel looks happy as she spent the whole festive season overseas on vacation with her new flame.And looks like this might be the fruits of the vacation. Miriam has in the past been linked to diplomats and wealthy businessmen.

Photo courtesy of U-turn


Location...somewhere in Dar es salaam


They both made it clear that they had separated and we went ahead and wrote about it. But at this rate we are quite doubtful if the Cindy and Mario break-up is real. The two said they separated because of “being too busy for each other.” However, going by recent sightings, Mario and Cindy have quite some good time for each other.
Cindy is a frequent visitor at Mario’s Cayenne bar,  situated near Kabira Country Club in Bukoto. According to an insider at Cayenne, Cindy and Mario still enjoy evenings together at the hangout and at times leave together. “She comes here almost on a daily basis and they’re always together, I don’t think they really separated,” the source added.As if that wasn’t convincing enough,Showbizxklusivs bumped into Cindy and Mario hand in hand at Nakumatt Shopping Mall. There was visibly no sign that the two had issues! Just asking, is Cindy’s break-up real or is it just another stunt?

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Our Kenyan gal in Norway has sent us this sweet pics of her doing her other thing;basketball. She's STL aka the best Kenyan female rapper alive...


British star and ex wife to soccer star Cheryl Cole has contracted the potentially deadly disease malaria, according to reports. The X Factor judge and pop star, 27, is said to have been diagnosed after collapsing at a photoshoot over the weekend. It follows a visit she made last month to the east African country of Tanzania.  According to the Daily Mirror, she is receiving treatment at London's private Cromwell hospital, where her friend, dancer Derek Hough, was pictured on Monday.
Also on Monday, Cheryl's publicist confirmed the singer had pulled out of work commitments for the coming days on the advice of doctors, but did not give a reason.  The spokesman said: "Following doctors' advice Cheryl Cole will be cancelling all work commitments for the next week."
Malaria is caused by a parasite called plasmodium, which is transmitted by the bites of infected mosquitos. Symptoms include headaches, fever and vomiting.  If not treated promptly, the disease can become life-threatening by disrupting the blood supply to vital organs.
Cheryl, who also visited east Africa last year when she climbed Mount Kilimanjaro for Comic Relief, has been attending auditions for the next series of the ITV1 talent show since last month.
She has also been busy touring as a solo act for the first time, supporting Black Eyed Peas, in recent months.  The star, who earlier this year split from footballer husband Ashley Cole, is scheduled to play high-profile shows at next month's V Festival.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Uganda's singer Jose Chameleone has landed a spot amongst entertainers in this Sunday's World Cup finals in Johanesburg. And Jose Chameleoene will join other World class singers as they perform during the finals in Johanessburg. Already he's in South Africa getting ready for the big gig. An estimated 1 95000 will watch the match live at the stadium and another 2.5 billion will catch the action on TV. Chameleone is amongst the artistes who were featured in the World Cup album and he did a single with Kelly Rowland titled ''Everywhere you go'.